Who's Non-Stop Dogwear

Non stop dogwear is a dog gear vendor from Norway.
They have a global presence, selling to over 150 countries around the world.
They sell directly to customers, but also have a B2B model,

We help develop and maintain their web applications accross different platforms

dog running


What they wanted to achieve

NonStop approached us with ideas for their lack of technology, the initial project we took over was their B2B sales site, it was non-existent at the time and all the orders we're entered manually taken over the phone, which was very inefficient.

They also lacked an admin dashboard where sales could see all the data that was required for them to do their day-to-day tasks.

The B2B portal, and the admin dashboard

All their data was saved in a central ERP, and quering this data everytime a user accesed the portal was not feasable, so we came up with a plan to create a new system which would be syncronized to their ERP.

Our stack of choice was: NextJS, Prisma, TailwindCSS.

Using this approach we ensured to be future proof, the web-app was blazingly fast, and their customer satisfaction increased overnight, which in turn increased the sales dramatically.

After developing the Portal, we started developing an internal application, where employees would be able to fullfull thier duties. 

It started as a simple order/customer preview and ordering streamlined. But as time passed more and more features were added, to the point where the ERP system was no longer directly used, but rather it was updated from our apps, using the neccessary rules.

In this way we ensured that the data was still centrally stored, while having the freedom and benefits of using the latest technologies for a faster and more efficient  completition of day-to-day tasks.

Updated technology, increased sales and customer satisfaction

The goal was achived, their new web app was up and running in 3 months, the new system ensured seamless intergration with their ERP, while providing fast and responsive experience for the customers

The off-load of manual work from sales people also meant that they could focus on more customer aquisition, which further increased sales

We're still their partner, further automating their processes, and supporting them in every step of the way

Going Jamstack

We presented this as a solution to all their problems, the combination of NextJS combined with Prisma ORM was a winner for them

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    Faster Performance

    The goal was to speed up every step of the sales process, and the solution we provided achived just that

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    Before SpeedStack came into the picture much of the day-to-day work was done manually, over the years we helped automated everything from customer registraion to making the final sale

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    Technical support

    As they grow so do we, and we're here to support them in every step of the way, Non-Stop Dogwear is an example of how we maintain long term reltaionships with our clients


Roadblocks and how we overcame them

The main challenge was the intergration between their ERP system and Prisma, everything needed to be syncronized and there was no way of going around it

We created a custom backend system to achieve this, by doing everything custom we made sure to set the correct rules in place, and in this way ensure that the correct data gets where it needs to go

How we choose the stack and strategy

The client already had the vision of switching to Jamstack before they apporached us, so we were on the same page for that.

At the time there were already established technologies, and after careful evaluation we chose Next JS as the most crucial framework, we also chose Prisma on the backend based on the reports for the speed it provides and the freedom to achieve almost anything with it

These technologies evolved over the years, and so did our applications, we're still here to provide them support 
